About Rolling Hills Chorus

Rolling Hills Chorus is an all-women’s chorus founded in 1980.  Based in Pasco, Washington, the chorus brings traditional a cappella barbershop harmony to their repertoire of American popular song. Barbershop harmony is a uniquely homegrown American vocal sound produced by four voice parts, with harmony parts both above and below the melody. Any woman can find a voice part that fits her vocal range, from high lyric sopranos to those who sing in men’s tenor range.  The warm sound is combined with energetic original choreography.

Chorus members range in age, occupation and come from all over Eastern Washington, from Selah to Walla Walla, to rehearse each Thursday evening at the Pasco City Hall Activity Center.

The Chorus entertains at community events, private parties, sporting events, and hosts an original full-length scripted show each year.  Each spring, the chorus competes in the Sweet Adelines International North by Northwest regional competition. Highly competitive, they have earned first place in their division numerous times, including the last four years running.

Getting the sound and choreography just right is important to chorus members, but the friendships formed on the risers are important as well.  In addition, Sweet Adelines as an organization is focused on lifelong learning to develop both music and leadership skills.
Copyright © 2025 Rolling Hills Chorus