
DO YOU LOVE TO SING?  Do you sing in the shower or while driving?  Rolling Hills Chorus may be just what you are looking for.  We are a show chorus, performing American popular songs in four-part barbershop style. There is a voice part for every women from high sopranos to those singin in men's tenor range.  DId we say we are a show chorus?  Yes, our performances include choreography, costuming and our annual shows are scripted.

Membership is open by audition to adult women of all ages and young women with an adult sponsor.  You are welcome whether or not you read music.  We are an educational organization and are proud ot have Lucy Heinkel as our director.  Lucy and our music team provide tools for learning every week.  BuIld your skills while making new friends.

To explore membership in the Chorus, please contact Evelyn Weiss: 509-420-6754, and visit a rehearsal.  We welcome you!

Copyright © 2025 Rolling Hills Chorus